Friday, 19 December 2014

Letter to MPs

Dear Member of Parliament

We ask for your attention to the lack of train services for South Western Sydney as this matter impacts upon the sustainable growth and development of our city.

Let Em Know

Take action now — contact Ministers, MPs and the media

Don’t like the cutting of the rail? Want to take action? Want to tell those who don’t yet know?
Write to the ministers and your local MP (contact details below).

Don’t forget you can also donate to Restore Inner West Line and sign up for updates via email (right sidebar).
NSW Members of Parliament — Ministers

Mike Baird — In his capacity as Premier, Minister for Infrastructure and Minister for Western Sydney:

GPO Box 5341, SYDNEY NSW 2001
Phone (02) 8574 5000 — Fax (02) 9339 5500
Contact via this page:

Gladys Berejiklian — In her capacity as Minister for Transport:

GPO Box 5341, SYDNEY NSW 2001Phone (02) 8574 5200 — Fax (02) 9339 5510
Contact via the page:

Pru Goward — In her capacity as Minister for Planning:

GPO Box 5341, SYDNEY NSW 2001Phone (02) 8574 5900 — Fax (02) 9339 5520

Andrew Constance — In his capacity as Treasurer:

GPO Box 5341, SYDNEY NSW 2001Phone (02) 8574 5800 — Fax (02) 9339 5512

Troy Grant — In his capacity as Deputy Premier:

GPO Box 5341, SYDNEY NSW 2001Phone (02) 8574 6800 — Fax (02) 9339 5536

Stuart Ayres - In his capacity as Minister Assisting the Premier on Western Sydney:

GPO Box 5341, SYDNEY NSW 2001
Phone (02) 8574 6500 — Fax (02) 9339 5522

NSW Members of Parliament — Shadow Ministry

John Robertson — Leader of the Opposition
Parliament House, Macquarie Street, SYDNEY NSW 2000Phone (02) 9671 5222 — Fax (02) 9671 5266

Penny Sharpe — Shadow Minister for Transport

Parliament House, Macquarie Street, Sydney NSW 2000Phone (02) 9230 2741 — Fax (02) 9230 2589

Luke Foley — Shadow Minister for Planning and Infrastructure

Parliament House, Macquarie Street, Sydney NSW 2000
Phone (02) 9230 2927 — Fax (02) 9230 3349

Michael Daley — Shadow Treasurer

Parliament House, Macquarie Street, Sydney NSW 2000
Phone (02) 9349 6440 — Fax (02) 9349 4594

Linda Burney — Deputy Leader of the Opposition

Parliament House, Macquarie Street, Sydney NSW 2000
Phone (02) 9718 1234 — Fax (02) 9787 1999

NSW Members of Parliament — Minor Parties

Robert Borsak (Shooters and Fishers Party)

Phone (02) 9230 2850 — Fax (02) 9230 2613

Robert Brown (Shooters and Fishers Party)

Phone (02) 9230 3059 — Fax (02) 9230 2613

Mehreen Faruqi (The Greens — Transport Spokesperson)

Phone (02) 9230 2625

Paul Green (Fred Nile Group)

Phone (02) 9230 3484 — Fax (02) 9230 2342

Fred Nile (Fred Nile Group)

Phone (02) 9230 2478 — Fax (02) 9230 2098

David Shoebridge (The Greens)

Phone (02) 9230 3030 — Fax (02) 9230 2159

NSW Members of Parliament — Local MPs

*Alex Greenwich - Member for Sydney
58 Oxford Street, PADDINGTON NSW 2021
Phone (02) 9360 3053 - Fax (02) 9331 6963

*Carmel Tebbutt - Member for Marrickville
299-301 Marrickville Road, MARRICKVILLE NSW 2204
Phone: (02) 9572 5900 - Fax (02) 9572 6414

*Linda Burney - Member for Canterbury
Suites 201 & 202 Level 2, 308-312 Beamish Street, CAMPSIE NSW 2194
Phone: (02) 9718 1234 - Fax (02) 9787 1999

*Charles Casuscelli - Member for Strathfield
Shop 1, 54 Burwood Road, BURWOOD NSW 2134
Phone: (02) 9747 1711 - Fax: (02) 9747 6054

*Barbara Perry - Member for Auburn
54-58 Amy Street, REGENTS PARK NSW 2143
Phone: (02) 9644 6972 - Fax: (02) 9644 8290

Robert Furolo - Member for Lakemba
Phone: (02) 9759 5000 - Fax: (02) 9759 1945

*Tania Mihailuk - Member for Bankstown
Suite 1 3rd Floor, 402-410 Chapel Road, BANKSTOWN NSW 2200
Phone: (02) 9708 3838 - Fax: (02) 9708 3960

*Guy Zangari - Member for Fairfield
PO Box 771, FAIRFIELD NSW 1860
Phone: (02) 9726 9323 - Fax: (02) 9726 9783

*Nick Lalich - Member for Cabramatta
Suite 10 Level 1, 5 Arthur Street, CABRAMATTA NSW 2166
Phone: (02) 9724 3381 - Fax: (02) 9724 6056

*Paul Lynch - Member for Liverpool
100 Moore Street, LIVERPOOL NSW 2170
Phone: (02) 9602 0040 - Fax: (02) 9821 18073

*The Inner West Line route from Liverpool (pre-October 2013) runs through these electorates

Friday, 12 December 2014

December 2014 Update

Restore Inner West Line would like to thank the community for their support in 2014. We will be improving and expanding our campaign in 2015 ahead of the State Government elections in March.

Thursday, 20 November 2014

Dear Gladys, please explain why you neglect South Western Sydney

Gladys Berejiklian owes the communities of South Western Sydney a proper explanation of how terminating the Inner West Line at Homebush has improved services for Lidcombe to Liverpool via Regents Park commuters. The State Government also needs to tell why it cut the Inner West Line and over 80% trains for the area. So far our requests for a formal meeting or even a decent response (not one half related statement that is just copied from the Transport NSW website) have fallen on deaf ears.

Friday, 7 November 2014

Strathfield Council passes motion in support of Restore Inner West Line

Strathfield Council has passed a motion in support of Restore Inner West Line. The motion was moved by Deputy Mayor Andrew Soulos. Strathfield Council's motion is the second motion calling on the State Government to re-instate train services. Auburn Council Mayor Hicham Zraika moved a mayoral motion in November 2013 regarding the lack of train services for Berala and Regents Park.

Monday, 3 November 2014

Wednesday, 22 October 2014

1 Year of Cuts to Inner West Line

Western & South Western Sydney calls for restoration of train services

One year since Inner West Line cut to Homebush, campaign to reverse cuts going strong

October 22, 2014: Premier Mike Baird and Transport Minister Gladys Berejiklian continue to face pressure from residents and commuters over the Liberal state government’s decision to slash the Inner West Line in half with the roll out of the new timetables one year ago forcing multiple interchanges and a 80% reduction in train services for the area.

Saturday, 11 October 2014

Increased Traffic Congestion due to cuts to Inner West Line train services

Before 20 October 2013 (previous train timetables), the Inner West Line was continuous through Homebush to Lidcombe via Flemington. Under the new timetables there is a disconnection between Lidcombe and Homebush forcing more people to drive and increasing traffic congestion especially at the Arthur St and Centenary Drive intersection. To get to Homebush from Lidcombe or Flemington requires an interchange at Strathfield. Western and South Line trains do not stop at Homebush.

Friday, 10 October 2014

Volunteers Needed to assist with Restore Inner West Line campaign

Wednesday, 8 October 2014

NSW Government Ignoring West & South Western Sydney Commuters

The government claims that we can have a say in areas that affect us such as transport but that is a lie! We have video proof of this! We are also calling on the government to Restore the Inner West Line to bring back regular Liverpool/Bankstown to City via Regents Park services.

Our latest video:

Thursday, 25 September 2014

Response to Critics of Restore Inner West Line

The Restore Inner West Line campaign was started in October 2013 as a response to the NSW State Government's timetable changes for Sydney Trains implemented on 20 October 2013. The timetable changes terminated the Inner West Line at Homebush thus removing regular Liverpool & Bankstown to City via Regents Park services. Information about the Restore Inner West Line campaign founder is available on our website.

Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Meeting with Transport Minister requested

We have requested a formal meeting with the Transport Minister, updates will be provided when available. Gladys Berejiklian has so far not responded or accepted our invitation to visit the area. 


Friday, 25 July 2014

Western Sydney rail commuters are suffering more delays

If Mike Baird and Gladys Berejiklian were serious about improving train services for Western Sydney, restoring the Inner West Line would reduce congestion/overcrowding as well as providing South Western Sydney commuters an alternative line to/from the City via Regents Park.


Sign our petition:

Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Nothing special about 3 services per day!

Inner West Line services now terminate at Homebush. Liverpool to City via Regents Park commuters now require at least two interchanges and less frequent services. Over 98% of trains cut for stations such as Regents Park. Sign the petition to Restore the Inner West Line:

Thursday, 3 April 2014


We've reached 900 signatures! Please help to spread the word! 
Speak with commuters at your local train station about Restore Inner West Line.
Every person that signs and shares the online petition is helping the community be heard.
Thank you for your support.

Monday, 10 March 2014

Sydney's Transport Black Hole

Yellow line shows where Inner West Line services have cut from Homebush to Liverpool

The State Government's train timetable has left many commuters especially around Lidcombe, Regents Park and Sefton in a transport black hole. Channel 7's Lee Jeloscek reports on the lack of train services in the area and shows how it's has impacting on students and other train commuters.

Students affected by lack of services

As a Western Sydney student studying at the University of New South Wales at Randwick, the commute before October 20, 2013 already a time and effort consuming adventure. With the introduction of the new timetable supposedly designed to improve train services, Berala is one of the suburbs that have fallen victim to the biggest downgrade in a generation. Now everyone has to change at Lidcombe station for overcrowded trains on the Western and South Lines to the City whereas previously there was a direct Inner West Line train from Liverpool via Regents Park through Lidcombe to the City Circle. For more commuter stories from students and other residents please go to and

Restore Inner West Line

Biggest Downgrade in a Generation
What happened in October?
  • Our trains terminate at Lidcombe, therefore most of our train service is gone
  • We lost a frequent 15 minute service departing Lidcombe to now a 30 minute departing Lidcombe
  • Inconvenient for comutters including elderly, less mobile & students have to change platforms more often
  • Lost 80% of our Bankstown line service
  • Lost 98% of the Inner West line service after October 2013
  • We lost over 140 trains a day to the city via Lidcombe

Saturday, 1 March 2014

Berala Rally In the Rain - Month of Action

Over 150 concerned commuters gathered at Berala station calling on the state government to Restore the Inner West Line and to improve train services in the area. 
Photo by George Voulgaropoulos

Friday, 21 February 2014

Restore Inner West Line - MONTH OF ACTION

Everybody can be involved in our campaign to Restore the Inner West Line. 

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Transport Forum in Berala

Barbara Perry (MP for Auburn) speaking at Transport Forum. Credit/Image Source: Carly M (@ceymour)
Thank you to everyone who attended tonight's Transport Forum hosted by Barbara Perry (MP for Auburn) and thanks to Penny Sharpe (Shadow Transport Minister), George Campbell (Labor - Auburn City Councillor) and Tony Oldfield (Auburn Battler and Auburn City Councillor) for attending as well. 

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Transport Forum

Upcoming: Transport Forum
Date: Tuesday 11 February 7pm
Location: Berala Public School hall

Monday, 6 January 2014

Pay More to Wait Longer

Commuters around Sydney are unhappy with the latest fare increases implemented on 5 January 2014. Despite claims by the State Government that the price rises are in line with the consumer price index, there are some instances where the new higher fare exceeds the inflation level. The full list of price hikes for Sydney's transport services can be found at the Transport InfoLine website

Biggest Downgrade in a Generation

Negative consequences of the October 20, 2013 timetable changes include:
  • Loss of most train services between Liverpool and Homebush (via Regents Park)
  • Trains now only run twice an hour instead of every 15 minutes between Lidcombe and Liverpool
  • Major inconvenience for elderly, less mobile and students whom have to change platforms frequently
  • 80% of Bankstown line services (through Regents Park) have been cut
  • 98% of Inner West line services (through Lidcombe/Regents Park) have been cut
  • There are only 4 services from Liverpool to City via Regents Park each day instead of nearly 200...
  • Lost access to many Inner West stations e.g. Flemington, Homebush, Burwood, Ashfield stations... from Liverpool/Regents Park