We have requested that Transport for NSW provide:
Evidence of community consultation undertaken before the 20 October 2013 Sydney Trains' timetable change especially in regards to changes affecting the Liverpool via Regents Park (Inner West Line) and it's truncation to Homebush Station.
A record showing the number and date of all complaints/feedback that Transport NSW has received about changes made to the Inner West Line/Liverpool via Regents Park and restore Inner West Line.
Transport for NSW has received the GIPA request today and has until 23 September 2016 to respond.
We will keep you updated on our Facebook page and website at www.restoreinnerwestline.org
A record showing the number and date of all complaints/feedback that Transport NSW has received about changes made to the Inner West Line/Liverpool via Regents Park and restore Inner West Line.
Transport for NSW has received the GIPA request today and has until 23 September 2016 to respond.
We will keep you updated on our Facebook page and website at www.restoreinnerwestline.org